Monday, 27 May 2019

The Essentials Of Cloud Computing

It is now general knowledge as to what cloud computing is and as to what cloud computing services are.

Only a handful might know what happens to the IT budget as more and more businesses start moving to the cloud.

As and when businesses move to cloud computing, they move on to Operating Expenditure (OpEx) from Capital Expenditure (CapEx). This happens because rather than buying the physical services, companies opt to buy the computing services.

For new companies, who would rather invest in several operations than spend an insane amount on the physical IT services, the decision to dive into cloud computing services becomes reasonably clear.

There is no guarantee that cloud computing is always going to be the cheaper option and yet many CIOs study how capital budgets have been relieved of the pressure and how the cloud infrastructure provides them with flexibility, inclines them toward the road of cloud computing.

It is crucial for the CIO to understand and evaluate the cost of the infrastructure being used at present. The cost of the following things will need to be taken into consideration:
  • Details about RAM
  • CPU Specifications
  • Storage Cost
  • Cost of Running Data Centres
  • Cost of Applications (Rebuild them for the cloud, let go of them, purchase a new SaaS pack)
All these will have different effects on how the business will function once they shift to using cloud computing services.

The future of the cloud is bright. It has been around for a long time, yet is waiting to be adopted by the majority of the businesses. It is the confusion of when and how many apps to transfer to the cloud, that might be stopping companies from moving. On the other hand, ones that have already started making the shift are satisfied knowing that their confidential data is not lying in the basement.

Businesses have seen a change in how it functions on a daily basis boosting the overall growth. This has happened because there was no way of getting around shifting to acquiring cloud computing services without breaking down the data into bits and rethinking the working of the organization.

One of the key features to remember while moving to the cloud will be considering where the cloud will store your data. Say the data is to be stored on the other side of the world, it might cause a lag as compared to the one stored near you or say a local connection.

After this, you want to consider data sovereignty. In simple terms, businesses worry that if their data is stored in another country, it could be accessed by their government, putting the confidential information in risk. It is for this reason that you see big cloud computing service providers opening shops in various locations, along with their home country.

So there you have it, a compilation of the essentials of cloud computing that could have been easily missed.

GBB is an end-to-end IT Infrastructure Solutions and Services Company that focuses on helping its customers transform their businesses via the use of innovative technology. We specialize in providing a comprehensive range of cloud computing services. We will assist you in migrating your existing applications or deploying new applications directly on cloud.

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